Ruth Odunuga of 360 Hype is the event manager of the 2inspire Ladies Day event, she has been in this role since the inaugural event in August 2012, her personality and her great organisational skills were highly commended by participants of the event and we are looking forward to working with her at the event in March. Below is a business profile on Ruth, find out more about the person behind 360 Hype marketing & event management:
1/ Please tell us what is a typical business day for you?
A typical business day for me starts with me making telephone calls to previous clients to ensure they were happy with the service given. I also make calls to potential clients to check what services we can offer them.
The day also consists of venue searching, liaising with suppliers and a continuous check of emails so that I can respond to any enquiries.
2/ What made you start the business and what steps did you take to start operating as a business?
I started my business because as a person I naturally enjoy organising things and making sure things are in order. For a long time I always was the one who would organise family functions and it got to a point that I thought I should take this a stage further and look into starting a business of Event Management. I also graduated in Marketing and for 5 years worked as a Marketing Manager/Consultant, after having my first child I decided to take the plunge and develop a Marketing service of my own for small businesses. It seemed only natural that I developed a company that combined the two.
3/ What would you say has been your greatest accomplishment in the business world to date?
My greatest accomplishment I would say, to be honest, is leaving full time work to go off and start my own business and running it successfully! It takes a lot to decide you will not go back to full time work and once you make that decision you have to do everything possible to make it happen!
4/ What has been your biggest challenge in business so far?
My biggest challenge so far is making sure we stay on top of our game so that we stand out from 'the rest'. We face challenges and obstacles all day everyday but it is up to us how much we chose to let it control us or we control it!
5/What are your future plans for the business?
My future plans is to take the event management into the corporate world.
6/If you had to do it all over again, what would you do differently?
I wouldn't do anything differently, but I would seek more advice from experienced bodies, as we can never know to much, continuous self development is important in business.
7/ What’s the best compliment you could receive in business?
The best compliments that I have received is that I am very natural in my approach and that I do not make my clients feel like its a client-consultant relationship, also I am constantly told that my company makes my clients feel as if they are the 'only one.

8/ What advice would you give to somebody who wants to start a business in your industry?
Do all your groundwork first, talk to professionals, even talk to people/businesses that will soon be your competitors because that way you get a clearer idea of what you are about to enter into. A solid piece of advice I can give is always always ALWAYS ask questions, no matter how big or small, no question is too silly.
9/What or who inspires you in business and why?
There are many people out there that inspire me, this can be from the man I see helping is old grandmother to cross the road to personal family members. Family wise, my parents will always be my inspiration, from the advice I used to get as a kid (but never wanted to listen) to the advice I still get today. My husband and my sister are also huge parts of my motivation, my sister too, many years ago took the leap of leaving full time work to start her own business and today she is running a fully successful operational business, that inspires me! My husband, day in day out gives me so much encouragement on what to do next, if it was not for him I would not have been able to take the plunge and leave full time work. He is my financial advisor, my secretary, my strategist, my mentor, my CEO - he always has that positive word that inspires me to go on. It would be hard for 360Hype to be where it is without the help/word of my husband.
10/What is your favourite inspirational quote?
Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. Harriet Tubman
Ruth Odunuga
360Hype Marketing & Event Management:
Twitter - @360hypeme
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Office: 01322 250 015
Mobile: 07931 908 995
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