2inspire Network blog is one of the mediums the Network uses to empower and inspire individuals. It is used to share knowledge and messages that will make a positive impact in people's lives and is also used as a platform to promote the products, services and events of the Network and external organisations.
Tuesday, 31 December 2013
2inspire Network Spotlight Interview: Ronke Lawal
Watch this inspirational interview with Ronke Lawal, Founder of RSL Management Services.
Friday, 20 December 2013
2Inspire Network Business Profile: Michelle Henry, MD of HNS Signs
In this profile interview we meet the founder of HNS Signs, Michelle Henry, who used inspiration from her strong family ties to build a successful business in what has traditionally been seen as a male-driven industry. We were certainly inspired by her story and we're sure you will be too!
Please tell us what
is a typical business day for you?
I’m a big believer in ‘early bird catches the worm’
and I typically get in the office at 7am to catch up on my emails and other
admin before the phones start ringing.
After a cup of coffee and light breakfast, I start planning
sign installations for the next business week (this involves grouping all
installation jobs into geographical locations and estimating time frames and
distance between each.)
I then liaise with the team on the status of each
project and organise dispatch dates, stock ordering and work force planning to
ensure we meet targets.
From 10am onwards, I’m usually customer facing
visiting clients and conducting site surveys. It’s not all coffee and biscuits,
I’m usually making a note of dimensions, possible installation issues, DDA
requirements etc. and then it’s lunch time.
Lunch is usually a networking opportunity to drive
new business or at Property/Construction lunches but I always aim to be back
in the office by 4pm to work on reporting my findings or work on quotes.
More coffee is needed as I scour through my emails
and return calls and catch up with team before the leave. I also get a little artistic time in before I
leave as it’s a great time to get creative and put together artwork.
But as a hands on Managing Director, I always check
with the team on the manufacturing side of the business and help them by
rolling up my sleeves and fabricating signs myself. Who said it was a ‘man’s
My world doesn’t end at 6pm though, at least once a
week I will attend a business networking event usually National Association of
Women in Construction, Women Working in Construction, Women in Business, or In
the City Talks etc.). So home time is usually about 9pm.
What made you start
the business and how did you get started? It’s a
mixture of fate and heritage! My grandfather was a signwriter and I’d make bedroom
door signs as a child but still went to university to study Law. However after
a brief spell of travelling and working for a sign company (which went into
administration in 2010) and speaking to The Birmingham Children’s Hospital (one
of their customers) convinced me to set up on my own.
I spent about £10,000 buying up the assets from my
former employer (a fantastic bargain) and then did a Prince's Trust course to
get a further £4,000 for cash flow. The Prince's Trust fast tracked my
application and in August 2010, HNS Signs was up and running.
What would you say
has been your greatest accomplishment in the business world to date? Tough question...I guess starting up in a recession
and succeeding to grow the business in a typically man’s world. When I started,
it was just me. I used to do all the site surveys and fit signs in the day,
make the signs in the evening and type up the quotes and produce the artwork
from home at night. I was working an average of 70 hours a week. Three years
later and I have a team of 6 (includes 3 apprentices) and we expect to be
hiring more staff in the New Year. I cannot begin to explain how good it feels
to be able to offer people work in the current climate.
has been your biggest challenge in business so far?
Competing against the big boys! We are
only a small company yet we manage to punch above our weight. We have secured
contracts with much of the NHS throughout the Midlands, we work with large
construction companies and local authorities. We are able to offer services
that our competitors cannot (for example traditional signwriting) and so many
sign companies have become our clients.
are your future plans for the business? To conquer the sign world. I love my
job and the challenges that it poses and I will not be satisfied until we are
the largest sign company out there. I would love to work with more interior
design companies. With a high proportion of sign companies concentrating solely
on digital print, I am confident that we can offer interior designers something
truly unique.
I plan to take on a few more
apprentices and employ those who believe they don’t have a future or haven’t
excelled in school. For me sharing my success and giving people hope and a
better future is what really makes me happy.
We are currently working with
Wolverhampton Homes and the Timkins Centre. The Timkins Centre works with young
adults who have no qualifications and works to provide them with the necessary
skills to find employment. Currently, I’m offering training in sign writing so
they have both a learned skill but also work with their social landlord
Wolverhampton Homes and deliver the signage for their homes. I’m also looking to
employ 1 or 2 of them in the New Year so fingers crossed they work hard and are
eager to work!
In 2014, I’m also hoping to make the
sector more female-friendly and be a career options for more girls who have a
talent for signwriting and would like to do a little more traditional work. At
the moment the signage industry is male dominated and customers believe only
men are good at installing signs, but I’m working hard to change that viewpoint
with my trusty toolbox and drill. I love
turning up to a building, hard hat on, high visibility vest on and getting my
power tools out. I have a female
apprentice too who lives digging holes and installing signs!
If you
had to do it all over again, what would you do differently?
Honestly – I wouldn't change a thing.
As the saying goes “If it isn't broke don't fix it” and so far things are
working well. Setting up HNS Signs happened so quickly, I didn't have time to
think. Had I sat down and thought about it I probably would have talked myself
out of it.
is it so important to inspire young women in particular to follow their dreams?
Although attitudes are changing, women
still get a hard deal. The business world fails to believe that women have
ambitions outside of the family home. This really annoys me. Women have so many
vital skills to offer – skills which differ to and complement those of our male
colleagues. Combined it can offer a well-balanced business environment. Which
is why it is so important for women to follow their dreams. How else are we
going to show the world what we are made of and what we can achieve if we let
our dreams get trampled.
advice would you give to somebody who wants to start a business in your
Know your industry and know it well. I
come from a line of sign writers. Both my great grandfather and my grandfather
were signwriters. I made my first sign when I was 4 years old and have worked
in the industry in both the UK and Australia. When I established HNS Signs, I
knew very little about running a business, but I did know my trade. This really
helped. It gave me a competitive edge as I was able to offer a variety of
different solutions, and it instilled confidence in my customers. By
understanding the trade I was able to learn how to run my business. Too many
people start a business on something they know very little about.
I would also advise you to look for
funding. Cash is King and you need a decent cash flow if you have any chance of
surviving. There are many grants available and funding out there for start-up
businesses, so don’t be shy, ask for help.
If you don’t ask, you don’t get.
Finally – if you say that you are going
to do something, do it and do it at the time that you say you will. You are
only as good as your word and if you let customers down they will go elsewhere.
or who inspires you in business and why?
My nan. She gave up teaching in the
late 60's to run my granddad’s company for him. He was a fantastic signwriter
but not so good at the admin and book keeping, clearly a woman was needed even
then to manage a business! She had absolutely no idea about how to run a
business – in her day that was something that women generally didn't do. With
her natural organisation and numeracy skills, she mastered it. I once asked her
how and she replied “by making mistakes and learning from them.”
I have many fond memories of her
working and creating little jobs for me so that I could feel useful. She always
seemed in control of everything and her staff loved her. The customers
absolutely adored her and became her friends. She taught me the importance of
building good relationships with your customers.
Both grandparents retired in 2000 and
moved to Wales where they ran a Good Turn Scheme which helped the elderly and
infirm. They never could relax!
When I phoned my nan to tell her that I
was considering setting up on my own, she was fantastic. She gave me all of the
motivation and encouragement that I needed. Whenever I had a particularly tough
day (and there were many) I would phone her and within minutes I was reassured
and feeling 100% better. She guided me through all sorts of problems and
strategies. She has since passed on, but whenever I feel overwhelmed I just ask
myself what she would have done.
What is
your favourite inspirational quote? “Be the change that you want to see in the world” Mahatma Ghandi
Contact Michelle
Follow us on twitter @hnssigns
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
2Inspire Business Profile: Caroline Wylie - Founder of The Society of Virtual Assistants
The 2inspire Network was inspired by Caroline Wylie recently who started her business because she "wanted to wear jeans to work"! With a fantastic business journey and superb network Carol is truly an inspiration.
Please tell us what
is a typical business day for you?
Virtual Assistants or VAs complete administrative
tasks remotely for their clients. They
are a remote secretary, a freelance worker and typically work with several
different clients at a time, charging only for the time they work on that
client's materials.

And then as new work comes in, we allocate a
virtual assistant to work on it, make sure we understand the task and what is
required and then it's a race to hit our next working day deadline.
I save Fridays for
www.societyofvirtualassistants.co.uk admin - this is a free resource for UK
based VAs to help them set up and stay in business. I started it because so many aspiring virtual
assistants got in touch with me every time I did any PR for the business -
there just wasn't the information available for them back then.
What made you start
the business and how did you get started?
The short answer: I wanted to wear jeans to the
office. (That first year in business, I
wore my suit more frequently than in any other part of my working life as I
networked, went for business planning sessions and found new clients. I can now happily say the suit is consigned
to the back of the wardrobe and rarely gets worn!)
The more complicated reasoning behind starting the
business was that I wanted more control over my working environment - working
for a company doesn't offer any of the protection that it once did, my job now
is far more secure than being an employee who can be made redundant. Not wearing a suit was symptomatic of the
lack of control you have as an employee - I wanted to have a really fast
computer, a nice desk, be able to turn down clients who I found morally
questionable, and to work with fantastic people.
The idea of being a virtual assistant first came to
me when my dad was talking about an office building he owned and maybe turning
it into an internet cafe. At the time in
2003, most people had the internet but very few had the knowledge of how to get
their computer to work to its full potential with email marketing, mail merges
and remote working. I went to a Business
Gateway exhibition, met PSYBT and never really looked back as they guided me
through the whole process.
What would you say
has been your greatest accomplishment in the business world to date?
I am immensely proud when we do the UK Virtual
Assistant survey each year and we get people telling us how helpful
www.societyofvirtualassistants.co.uk has been in helping them set up their
I'm also fortunate to still be in business nearly
10 years after starting - so many people go back to having a job as it's an
easier option than running your own business and the responsibility that
incurs. The perks are definitely that
you can work flexibly and it's interesting and challenging.
My favourite award was from "The Naughty Table
of Virtual Assistants" and they gave me a little trophy which says
"Caroline Wylie - Most Ethical and Respected VA of the Year 2011" -
they sent me a small presentation video and I did shed a little tear at this
thoughtful and sweet gift.
has been your biggest challenge in business so far?
In my own business, getting enough good
virtual assistants - the good ones invariably get too busy with their own work to
continue being subcontractors and it's very difficult to find good staff. Our fail rate for our tests sits around
90%. We need to keep the quality high in
order to make sure we're delighting our clients.
Threats to the industry are that
clients have a bad experience with rogue or inexperienced VAs - perhaps they
don't have proper data back up or are working from an insecure email address or
aren't suitably experienced to carry out the work. Clients having a bad
experience with a VA reflects badly on the industry as a whole.
Surprisingly, the offshore assistants
aren't a major threat, as they can't compete with what a UK VA will offer -
it's a bit like comparing car buyers - someone who is in the market for a top
of the range brand new Mercedes won't be looking in Exchange And Mart and
expecting to pay £200!
are your future plans for the business?
SVA will be continuing to do the UK VA
Survey (a vital resource for new VAs writing their business plan), we'll be
involved with the VA Conference next year, and there will be more hints and
tips for VAs on the blog.
If you
had to do it all over again, what would you do differently?
I don't think I would change much - the
business has evolved as the technology has become available and we've kept up
with it. I would probably advise
outsourcing earlier, but it was important to know how to do all the things I
was asking the outsourcers to do so I could check them and ensure standards
were consistent.
is it so important to inspire young women in particular to follow their dreams?
I think women are less risk averse than
men in general - starting your own business is seen as being risky and
complicated but it needn't be. We need more people starting up on their own to
boost the UK economy, small business is our backbone. Red tape puts so many
people off hiring or expanding their business, using a VA is a way to
circumvent that without risk.
advice would you give to somebody who wants to start a business in your
Most of the information you need is
available for free, so be careful about spending a lot of money or courses or
books without doing some thorough research first. I know lots of virtual assistants who have
worked with an old computer and with minimal start up costs bootstrapping until
they have built their dream into a thriving business.
You need a fair chunk of time to set up
properly, I always recommend having at least 20 hours a week to work on the
business and some of that time should be within traditional office hours.
Quite a lot of mums believe they can be
a VA save money by taking their kids out of childcare - this is a myth, less
than 4% of the industry has kids with no form of childcare. You will need that nursery place!
Tell everyone you know what you are
doing - mostly you'll find your first client in amongst your friends or family
since they already know and trust you.
or who inspires you in business and why?
I love my job - each day brings new
challenges and it's exciting to be involved with different industries and
clients each day.
What is
your favourite inspirational quote?
"Done is better than perfect" - which
seems an odd one but I can be a bit of a perfectionist and invariably you will
have to tweak systems or processes as you grow and therefore it's more
important to get the ball rolling than attempt perfection on a first try.
Caroline Bio:
Caroline Wylie worked in marketing before escaping the rat
race in 2004 to launch her VA business. The lack of resources for UK assistants
prompted her to found the Society of Virtual Assistants in 2005 including a
forum, Approved VA Scheme and various templates for UK VAs. She is the UK
representative of the worldwide VA accreditation www.VACertified.com, has
previously judged the Outstanding VA of the Year Awards and has organised
Global VA Week and the UK VA Survey for the last few years. As a VA who runs a
“real business which pays the mortgage” rather than a lifestyle business, she’s
keen to promote the professionalism of virtual assistants and the value they
add to their clients’ businesses.
Twitter: @socityofvas
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
2Inspire Network Profile Interview: Sharron Richards of Shea Decadence/Kinks
Sharron Richards of Shea Decadence/Kinks is a Supplier of Natural handmade Bath & Body Treats, free from Parabens, SLSs & Additives.

Please tell us what is a typical business day for you?
There is never a ‘typical’ day where my schedule is concerned. As a freelance Police Station Advisor, I can literally be called out at any moment to attend a police station to represent a client on a Criminal charge. Because of this, I don’t plan my day I just ‘do’. It’s rare that I have a free day where I’m not filling orders from either the Shea Decadence Bath & Body Range, or the Kinks Hair Range. I always endeavour to get my orders put together first thing in the morning so if I do get called out to work; I just need to drop orders off at the post office. Many times I’ll be undertaking the delicate task of emulsifying a product when I’ll receive a call to attend a police station! Very annoying I tell you!
What made you start the business and what steps did you take to start operating as a business?
I didn’t consciously think ‘let me start a business’….. I had stopped weaving my hair due to traction alopecia, and was forced to deal with my hair in its natural state. This led me to look at natural products and realising whatever you put onto your scalp/skin to a certain extent, was absorbed into your body. That’s when I learned about harsh unnecessary ingredients in everyday products and decided to make my own bath & body products. That was over 4 years ago but the hair products didn’t materialise until 2012, hence the Kinks Range. I saw the change in my hair's health once I started using my own handmade natural products and so decided to make it available to all and sundry.
What would you say has been your greatest accomplishment in the business world to date? There’s nothing better than receiving great feedback from happy customers that use my products! My Cocoa Frappuccino leave in conditioner is definitely one of my greatest accomplishments to date!

Being a one man band is very trying at times as you’re responsible for every aspect of the business while still holding down a career. I can’t rely on anyone else to make the products, label the products etc. This is really noticeable when I have an Event on and have to make a large quantity of products as well as filling regular everyday online orders.
What are your future plans for the business?
Shea Decadence/Kinks is moving in the right direction in terms of securing stockists for the Range. At the moment I have a stockist in Sydenham, The Calabash of Culture, 21Sydenham Road, SE26, and also have a few online stockist in the pipeline. I’d like to make the Range available wherever possible, specifically the Kinks Hair Range. There are now so many ladies wearing their hair in its natural texture, and I think it’s great that there are numerous different brands available in the UK to choose from. I’m glad to be a part of that.
If you had to do it all over again, what would you do differently?
Possibly having a partner from the get go? Possibly……….
What’s the best compliment you could receive in business?
That what I’ve created, accomplishes that which I set out to do; create natural organic products that work effectively and people enjoy using. I like nothing better than getting feedback from my lovely customers.

What advice would you give to somebody who wants to start a business in your industry? With all the new EU regs, it isn’t quite as straightforward as it use to be. Therefore you need to thoroughly research what is required of you and whether you have the funds needed for all the safety assessments etc.
What or who inspires you in business and why? Anyone who takes the initiative (with a big leap of faith) to start a business, especially young people thinking outside the box.
What is your favourite inspirational quote? ‘Live your truth’ don’t watch what others are doing to gauge where you are……especially on social network sites. ‘Likes’ on FB, do not necessarily translate to customers etc so don’t think because someone has thousands of likes and you have 10, that you are somewhat lacking. Just concentrate on what you are doing and set yourselves goals and targets to reach.
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